Thursday, January 3, 2019


James 4:14

14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (NIV)

We always expect tomorrow. Another chance to visit. Another time to call. We do so many things, lead such busy lives, we forget we are but a mist in this life. On the other side of eternity, we share hope that this life is temporary, but we are called to make the most of it why we are here. I feel that there are times when Jesus had to get away and self-care, but His purpose never changed. Jesus touched many, and He lives on in us and we continue His work. 

I want to leave a legacy that makes our Father proud. When I think of all the things I want to do, there is not enough daylight. It is a balance. We must keep ourselves full to be able to pour out into others. Nothing comes out of a bone-dry cup. 

Sometimes I would think, “I just have to pray and then do it”, but I literally need to pray about every step. I am trying to get into the habit of physically getting on my knees every morning when I wake up and surrendering my schedule and my day to the Lord. 

“Lord let me do what you want me to and talk to the people you want me to”. I would say that every time I do what the plan of the day is that Jesus has for me (given play by play throughout the day), I have a day that fills me up too. In my efforts to do what God has for me, my needs are met and generally I find joy in the day, or there is something I learn or get to do. I really find that the more I walk in the Spirit, despite how hard it can be sometimes, especially when my flesh wants to overrun me, I am overall more satisfied. 

I try to fill the needs on my own and the satisfaction is fleeting and usually drains me in some way. I am not sometimes aware that I am making plans or filling voids until God reminds me. So, I ask Him to fill me, and to help me be satisfied in Him. I still don’t know why I continue to think I can out do a limitless God who knows me through and through. I find myself planning on things without asking if that is really what I should be doing. 

Following God isn’t easy, the life of Jesus can show that. The best way isn’t always the easiest. But to me, it is worth it. No matter who may judge or assume, if I follow the One who goes before me (Deuteronomy 31:8), I can rest assured I will be fine. I can’t do everything for everyone, I can’t fix everything, but I can ask God my part in what He is doing and be obedient in that. Boundaries are healthy, and self-care is different from self-centeredness. 

They say you only live once, and it is true on this side of heaven, but with Jesus you can live beyond this broken world. Make it count. Connect with others. Ask God’s guidance in all relationships and life moves, all things. He knows best. He knows how He can use you for others. He helps us understand that we are here for Him and not ourselves, but He will make sure we are healthy in mind and spirit to do the work He has set before us (Ephesians 2:10). We just need to listen. We don’t have a moment to waste, but don’t rush through life and miss out on the lessons from the journey. Enjoy what God has given you.  

Help me Father to truly surrender everything to you, down to the seconds of my life. Allow me to stand strong against those who seek to judge me and tell me different things that are not from You or your Word. Help me to pray for those who seek to hurt me or accuse me. Help others to see my heart and know that I am trying my best for you Lord. Help me to do things for others as if I am doing them for you, even when it is hard. I am here for YOU Lord to do what you direct, and I am so grateful for this brief time on earth in comparison to the eternal glory I will enjoy with you. I love you Lord and will believe You above all else, and I care more about what You think about me and the plan You have for my life. Help me to be a blessing to others and not believe the lies of the devil, which distract me from my purpose. 

In Jesus’ Sweet Name, Amen 


  1. beautiful Courtney! You are a gifted writer and a deep, glorious thinker. TO God be the glory.
